February 2025 Edition |
Most people think of February as the month of love with the celebration of Valentine’s Day on February 14. February is the shortest month of the year, but there are several other highlights to recognize and celebrate this month. February is the month to honor Presidents’ Day and Black History Month. Don’t forget Groundhog Day when Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring or another six weeks of winter. American Heart Health month is also in February, and National Wear Red Day will be on February 7 this year.
With our recent cold, snowy weather it’s hard to believe that spring is just around the corner. That means we can begin looking forward to our fun Spring Social. We are very excited that a committee has been formed and is working on the event. More details will be available in the near future.
Our 1st Vice Presidents, Nancy G. and Pat W., have been busy contacting and scheduling some interesting speakers for our luncheons. Please plan to attend these monthly luncheons and bring a friend. Beginning in February, the Club is offering a special luncheon fee for you and a friend. Bring one guest with you to the luncheon for a total of $40.
The presidents are preparing the 2025 annual budget. The budget will be presented at the February board meeting.
Have you renewed your membership yet? The membership renewal form and $25 annual fee is due. As of the beginning of January, we have received 63 renewals. Don’t miss out on our fun activities and events. Mail your forms and checks to Shirley B. today.
We are always open to suggestions and solutions. We welcome your input.
Your 2025 Co-Presidents,
Carol & Kari